Support us

The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors is a registered charity (No. 1161870) The support of members and benefactors is essential for fulfilling the goals of our vision and mission. If you would like to get involved with the CIEHF and support our work, here are some ways you can do it:


Volunteering with the CIEHF is a valuable way to gain experience and advance your profession at the same time by supporting events and projects that promote the discipline of ergonomics and human factors. We have a wide range of volunteering opportunities, from helping out at events to assessing applications for Registered Membership. Read more about the opportunities available.

Sponsor an event

The CIEHF organises and runs a range of events throughout the year, including the annual Ergonomics and Human Factors conference and a number of smaller, more focused events such as Human Factors in Aviation Safety. Sponsorship helps to ensure that these events remain affordable for our members and allows sponsors to engage with highly educated professional audiences. You can sponsor an entire event, a speaker, a session or a social activity like a conference dinner. Sponsorship benefits can include your logo at a particular event session or in the event programme and on the website and an exhibition stand at the event. A wide range of packages are available, so if you are interested in sponsoring a particular event, contact us.

Advertise with us

There are  a number of ways to advertise with CIEHF. You can advertise job vacancies in our monthly magazine, The Ergonomist. As well as having the ad available in the print and online versions of the magazine, it will appear on our jobs board at no extra cost. You can also advertise here on this website. Contact us for details.

Leave a legacy

It is possible to leave some of your estate, an asset or a sum of money to the CIEHF in your will. If you are interested in including us in your will, please contact us and we will help.