IOSH Management of musculoskeletal disorders

Summary: This 6 hour course provides companies with an understanding of the basic principles of causation and avoidance of MSDs.

Provider: Human Applications
Location: UK
Duration: 6 hours
Knowledge/experience needed: None
Email: [email protected]

Who should attend and why?
Occupational health practitioners, safety professionals and human resource managers. The course may also benefit trades union safety advisors, medico-legal practitioners, and others with an interest in MSD management. The course is unlikely to be suitable for first line managers or supervisors of work processes. This course is linked to ‘Ergonomics in Practice’. Organisations may wish to consider running this course in conjunction with ‘Ergonomics in Practice’. This course covers the latest thinking on Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs); their causes and prevention and case management techniques. Developments in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and litigation are considered as well as how to manage the issues raised by individuals who present with MSDs.

What will you learn?

  • To assist managers in identifying the potential for workplace MSDs
  • To enable occupational health professionals to identify causal factors
  • To enable policy influencers to create an effective strategy on MSDs which matches the needs of the organisation and the individual while limiting the potential for chronicity
  • To enable delegates to understand the debate about MSDs and how civil litigation has developed with respect to MSDs

Expected outcomes
After the course you will be able to:

  • Understand the basic principles of causation and avoidance of MSDs
  • Develop in-house policies and procedures for MSD prevention and management
  • Review and enhance current strategies
  • Understand civil litigation in relation to MSDs