Robens Institute

Robens Institute
17 June 2015 admin


Peter Buckle
78 Wodeland Avenue
01483 870474
[email protected]


The Robens Institute has provided ergonomics research, consultancy, postgraduate education and training to industry, commerce and government departments for nearly 35 years. This has been done across a wide range of ergonomics areas, both within the UK, EU and globally. Our aim is to optimise safety, worker well-being and health , and productivity, efficiency and quality within organisations. We adopt a systems perspective and a user-centred approach to understand and solve industrial and other design problems.

Areas of competence
Accidents; Health and Safety at Work
Anatomy and Anthropometry in Human Activities
Industrial Design Applications
Musculoskeletal disorders and work
Office Ergonomics and Design
Patient safety
Product Design and Consumer Ergonomics
Risk Assessments: Various Work Situations
Systems design
Usability Assessment
User Requirements and Guidance

Further details
Established: 1978
First registered: 2002
Indemnity: Personal
Registered ergonomists: 3
Other qualified ergonomists: 1
Other consultants: 0
