Hu-Tech Human Factors Ergonomics

Hu-Tech Human Factors Ergonomics
26 May 2015 admin


Ian Randle
Building 3
Chiswick Park
566 Chiswick High Road
W4 5YA
0845 463 1940
[email protected]

Hu-Tech are a leading human factors and ergonomics consultancy. We have been providing specialist services to all major industrial sectors and Government agencies for 20 years. We operate from three UK offices and have a worldwide client base.

We have a staff of qualified ergonomists, engineers and safety professionals. We specialise in providing experienced consultants to assist our clients and hence employ more Principal grade consultants than basic grade consultants. The company is accredited to the ISO 9001 Quality System.

Human Factors Engineering (HFE) in oil and gas projects is core business for us. We have provided specialist HFE input into the design and operation of many dozens of onshore and offshore oil and gas facilities in Europe, Africa, the Americas, the Middle East, Asia and Australasia.

We also maintain a wide network of associate ergonomics consultants through the Hu-Tech Ergonomics Consortium, which covers all the physical and systems ergonomics common to all workplaces. Our project experience covers many industries including pharmaceutical, utilities (electric, water, etc), heavy and light manufacturing, banking andfinance, emergency services, etc.

Areas of work
Accidents, Health & Safety at Work
Expert Witness: Various Work Situations
Industrial Design Applications
Industrial/Commercial Workplace Design
Management & Ergonomics
Office Ergonomics & Design
Risk Assessments: Various Work Situations
Work Related Musculoskeletal Problems

Further details
Established: 1989
First registered: 1997
Indemnity: Company
Registered ergonomists: 7
Other qualified ergonomists: 1
Other consultants: 15
