Health & Safety Laboratory

Health & Safety Laboratory
16 June 2015 admin


David Riley
Harpur Hill
SK17 9JN
01298 218362
[email protected]

HSL is an internationally renowned scientific facility for Health and Safety, employing over 350 scientific, medical and technical specialists. Our Ergonomics and Human Factors Specialists have a breadth of experience in providing independent, specialist support to organisations.

Working in multidisciplinary teams, our specialists review and optimise the relationships between people and their physical and social context of work to deliver solutions that bring business benefits through safe, healthy and more effective work processes and plant.

Our services include risk assessment and management, safety culture measurement and action planning, forensic accident and incident investigation, human performance and reliability and training. We are an agency of the Health and Safety Executive and also act as consultants to clients across all industry sectors, including manufacturing, high hazard industries, transport and healthcare.

Further details
Established: 1990
Total staff in organisation: 3400
Total staff within the consultancy: 359
