Greenstreet Berman Ltd

Greenstreet Berman Ltd
26 May 2015 admin


Jon Berman
Fulcrum House
5 Southern Court
South Street
Reading RG1 4QS
0118 9387700
[email protected]

Also at:

Suite 124, First Floor
3 Hardman Square
Manchester M3 3EB

10 Fitzroy Square
London W1T 5HP



We address the complex relationships between people and business performance. We support high hazard, high technology and other organisations that wish to understand better how people behave, how to improve performance and reliability, and how to implement organisational change with lasting benefit. Our comprehensive range of services focuses on safety and business risk management, including culture and organisational change, organisational learning, human error, decision-making, system design, safety assurance and emergency response. Our consultants have broad industrial experience and our clients have come from the nuclear, water, onshore and offshore petrochemical, rail and pharmaceutical industries, their regulators, charities and government agencies. Whilst experienced in a wide range of established ergonomics techniques, we also have a reputation for tailored solutions to individual problems.

Areas of work
Accidents, Health & Safety at Work
Cognitive Ergonomics, Complex Tasks
Expert Witness: Various Work Situations
Human Reliability
Management & Ergonomics
Risk Assessments: Various Work Situations
Sociotechnical Systems & Ergonomics
Training for Management & Staff
User Requirements & Guidance
Specific Ergonomics Applications

Further details
Established: 1997
First registered: 1997
Indemnity: Company
Chartered ergonomists: 4
Other ergonomists: 5
Total staff: 15
