Degree course accreditation

If you are running an undergraduate or postgraduate degree course that enables students to gain knowledge of several core disciplines, the ability to integrate knowledge across domains and be able to apply a systems approach, then please consider applying for CIEHF Qualifying Course status.

Qualifying Courses will be actively promoted through this website, at conferences, at careers events and in response to enquiries for training. Only Qualifying Courses are recommended to people who ask us about ergonomics/human factors training. Graduates from Qualifying Courses are eligible for Graduate Membership of the CIEHF and it also contributes to their future application as a Registered Member. This is a great incentive for them to apply for a Qualifying Course.

You can use a special Qualifying Course logo and the text “This is an CIEHF Qualifying Course” in your publicity for the course.

Quick eligibility check

  • My course covers essential ergonomics knowledge in the following areas:
  • Human mental characteristics
  • Human physical characteristics
  • Systems ergonomics
  • Ergonomics methods
  • Research methods
  • My course includes the ergonomics approach characteristics of user centred design, participatory, holistic and integrated essential knowledge areas.
  • My course includes the ergonomics knowledge attributes of theoretical and practical knowledge, scientific basis, integrated and evidence based.
  • My course includes the ergonomics knowledge aims of health, safety, wellbeing, efficiency and effectiveness.
  • My course includes the ergonomics knowledge applications of product design, workplace interventions, systems design and evaluation.
  • My course teaches the professional skills of legislation, standards, project management, ethics, communication and interdisciplinary work.
  • My course ends with a substantial ergonomics-based research project.
  • At least half the programme content will be led by members of the CIEHF and there will be a minimum of two members of the Institute on the programme teaching team.

Key points

Knowledge content

To be accredited as a CIEHF Qualifying Course a programme must cover essential ergonomics knowledge content to the programme standards below.

Essential taught knowledge areas Indicative content Guideline minimum hours
Human mental characteristics Attention, perception, learning and memory, stress, arousal, motivation, individual differences, group behaviour, social cognition models, psychosocial factors in performance 150hrs
Human physical characteristics Anatomy, physiology, anthropometrics, human response to the environment, musculoskeletal disorders 150hrs
Systems ergonomics Socio-technical systems, systems failures, training, human reliability, organisational design and change, job design 150hrs
Ergonomics methods Methods, tools, measurement techniques, evaluation of work activities, assessment of the workplace 150hrs
Research methods Research methods, research design, qualitative and quantitative investigation techniques and analysis including statistical analysis of data 150hrs

To be accredited as a qualifying course a programme must also show clear evidence of essential ergonomics themes that run through the essential taught knowledge areas above and wider curriculum.

Essential theme Indicative themes Guideline minimum hours
Ergonomics approach characteristics User centred design, participatory, holistic and integrated essential knowledge areas *
Ergonomics knowledge attributes Theoretical and practical knowledge, scientific basis, integrated, evidence based *
Ergonomics knowledge aims Health, safety, wellbeing, efficiency, effectiveness *
Ergonomics knowledge application Product design, workplace interventions, systems design and evaluation *
Professional Skills Legislation, standards, project management, ethics, communication, interdisciplinary work *
Ergonomics based research project Either laboratory based research, use-inspired research or application based work 300hrs at Level 6, 600hrs at Level 7
* 150hrs across all 5 themes (15 Credits UK, 5/6 ECTS)

Minimum total hours of ergonomics content at level 5, 6 or 7 across all the areas above is 1650 (including self-study, assessment and taught content). This equates to 165 Credits UK or 55 to 66 ECTS.

Programme standards

Your course must meet the following programme standards:

  • Curriculum: The programme must be delivered in English and reflect current scholarship, research and practice including a critical awareness of current issues and developments in ergonomics. A programme specification should be available that provides the programme aims and intended learning outcomes. The teaching and learning strategy should ensure sufficient breadth and depth of coverage of the Institute’s programme curriculum requirements.
  • Assessment: All essential taught knowledge areas must be separately assessed in English and contribute to the final award classification. Essential curriculum themes should be assessed, but this does not need to be separated from knowledge areas. Assessment should be shown to be valid, reliable, fair and appropriate to the level of award, e.g. through moderation by an external examiner. Marking should be undertaken only by appropriately qualified staff.
  • Entry Criteria: The programme must specify entry criteria that allow equality of opportunity and access to a diverse range of applicants.
  • Awards: Successful fulfilment of the programme’s requirements must lead to the conferment of a named award from a Higher Education institution.
  • Leadership: The programme provider must appoint an appropriately qualified (e.g. Registered Member of the CIEHF) director or leader for the programme, who provides an ergonomics overview and brings coherence to the course.
  • Staffing: The programme provider must have adequate staffing in place to support the effective delivery of the programme. At least half of the programme content must be led by members of the Institute and there should be a minimum of two members of the Institute on the programme teaching team.
  • Resources: The programme provider must have appropriate resources in place to support the effective delivery of the programme be it delivered on-campus (e.g. resources such as lecture rooms and laboratories) or at a distance (e.g. resources such as online discussion forums and interactive virtual work environments).
  • Quality Management: The programme provider must have quality management systems (e.g. External Examiners and periodic review of the validity of the programme).
  • Ethics: The programme must cover ethical conduct and ensure students work ethically.
  • Misconduct: The programme providers should have policies and procedures in place to detect and deal with issues that may arise with student conduct during assessment.

How to apply


Complete the content matrix

Download a spreadsheet which details how the programme and specific modules cover the knowledge areas and ergonomics themes.


Compile your supporting documents

Gather electronic copies of the programme handbook, detailed curriculum, assessments, module specifications, staff CVs and other documentation that demonstrates the programme meets all the requirements.


Complete your application

Download the application form, complete it and email it to us, together with your matrix and supporting documents.


Pay the application fee

Once we have received your application, we will issue you with an invoice for the application fee, together with instructions on how to pay. Once you have paid the invoice, we can begin the assessment process.

Apply for accreditation of your degree course now

Questions you might have