After much deliberation by a distinguished line up of judges over the four high quality shortlisted entries, the CIEHF’s Ergonomics Design Award was won by Principal Engineer – Human Factors and Control Centres Frøy Bjørneseth’s team at Rolls-Royce Marine AS, based in Norway, for their innovative Unified Ship’s Bridge design.
The other three shortlisted entrants were all highly commended: SEND, a patient data display by Lauren Morgan of Oxford University; Express Banking Services design by Ergonomie based in Australia; Intercity Express Train design by DCA Design.
The judging was run in parallel with the CIEHF’s first Ergonomics In Design Seminar on 22nd September 2015 at the Design Council in London, during the London Design Festival week. The seminar focused on two workshops, ‘Designing for changing demographics’ and ‘Measuring improvement in new designs’ which were led by Robin Ellis of RED Design Ergonomics Ltd and Dan Jenkins of DCA Design.
The entrants gave presentations to the six judges and 32 seminar delegates. The judges were John Wood of CCD Design & Ergonomics and sponsor of the Award, Mat Hunter of the Design Council, Jasper Holmes of RICA, Chris Ramsden of the Chartered Society of Designers, Martin Bontoft of Team Consulting and TomStewart of System Concepts.
The delegates enthusiastically engaged in the workshops and the mix of experience and backgrounds amongst them led to some interesting interaction and discussion. Early feedback on the day was that many found it a useful and rewarding time and they would attend further CIEHF workshops in the future.
Thanks to all the judges and workshop facilitators for their time and effort in making the day a success. We will be studying the detailed feedback we received with a view to running a similar event next year.
For more details about the Ergonomics Design Award and Ergonomics In Design Seminar, visit www.ergonomicsdesignaward.org.uk.