This year’s Ergonomics & Human Factors conference was said by some to be the best yet, with a record 300 attendees and extremely high quality presentations, keynotes and plenaries. There was a palpable energy and excitement at the venue, which lent the whole event a feeling of celebration and optimism. Among many of the speakers, there was a recognition that new methods, processes, tools and theories are needed to address the rapid changes happening in our world and there was a desire to meet and be part of the new challenges that these changes represent. Adaptation and agility were strong themes throughout the three days, along with a respect for tried and tested methods and a motivation to update and expand these methods for the world ahead. While problems and difficulties were identified, there was a confidence that the discipline is equipped to tackle them. There was a particular emphasis on collaboration, conversation and translation to ensure that research and practice keep pace with each other.
In this month’s issue of The Ergonomist Spela Brown examines why self-service checkouts are so unpopular and argues that if automation is to make the world a better place then it has to be humane – simply replacing humans will not work.
Elvira Perez Vallejos discusses the need for cyber security and describes how vignettes and drama can be used as powerful tools for encouraging security behaviours in the workplace.
And Veelyn Tan and David Caple illustrate how transformational leadership and a personal commitment to safety from executives can be instrumental in reducing staff injuries in a healthcare setting.
The Ergonomist is available free to members of the CIEHF, on the MyIEHF portal and on the app – search ‘ergonomist’ in the app store. Non-members can also buy individual issues or subscribe to The Ergonomist on the app.
If you have any ideas for feature articles on research or practice, news items, details of relevant events or suggestions for new content for The Ergonomist, please contact us.
Email Frances: [email protected]